To Schedule An Appointment
Call 417.583.3065
Your Visits
Providing Everything You Need

Your First Visit
When you come to our office for your first visit, you will have new patient paperwork to complete. Once finished you will be taken into the consultation room to discuss your condition(s) with Dr. Rush. After speaking with him, he will then determine whether or not you have a condition that can be helped with chiropractic care. After your examination Dr. Rush will determine whether or not x-rays are necessary before any treatment or therapies are provided.
Your Second Visit
You will be taken into the consultation room where Dr. Rush will discuss his examination findings and x-rays, if taken. You will also get adjusted this visit.

Future Visits
Future visits will be discussed with you by Dr. Rush on your second or third visit. Your future visits are determined by the severity of your condition and what Dr. Rush finds necessary to treat your condition.